Are Your Blessings Evidence of God's Goodness?

Or are they an invitation? I'm struggling a bit with thankfulness. Not in the "Woe is me. I don't have anything to be thankful for" kind of a way.  But sort of the opposite.I'm struggling with the "Why me?"

Why do I have a roof over my head when there are women sleeping under bridges?

Why do I have healthy children and there are sweet, sweet mamas by their babies in ICU?

Why do I have a car that runs, work I love, friends who speak grace and truth into my life, a husband who loves me?

One morning, early, I was driving to pray with a small group of women.  I rounded the interchange and a young woman stood there with her sign.

While I sat at the red light I fumbled through my bag for something, anything I could give to her.  I came up with a granola bar and a few dollars.I rolled down the window, asked her name, and told I was so sorry she was in the situation. I wish I had more to give her, but this was all I had.She smiled, told me her name, and thanked me.  The light turned green and I left her standing there waiting for the next window to roll down.  I was wrecked.I arrived at my friend's house ... just a mess. "Why me?"And as I've thought about it, I really don't think that my relative prosperity and her relative poverty is evidence of God's goodness.Rather, I'm thinking that it's evidence of God's invitation. An invitation to consider all the blessings I have and pour them out again, and again, and again.  An invitation to trust that the One whose given to lavishly to me, can give to others through me. An invitation to partner with God in showing His innate goodness to a hurting world.Tonight I'm welcoming home my three daughters and my new son-in-law. They'll come barreling into the house with enthusiasm and stories and so much fun.Tomorrow we'll pass out well-worn recipes and commence to cooking.  The house will be filled with the smells of cranberry sauce and cinnamon and the deliciousness of onions, and celery sautéing to tender on the stovetop.Thursday we'll welcome family and friends, old and new with roasted pecans and a cup of hot apple cider.  We'll have a fire in the fire pit and football in the field behind our house. And we'll finish the day with a slice of pumpkin pie.To not be thankful for all of this would be beyond wrong.  But to hoard it and name it as evidence of God's special favor upon me would be wrong.  It's all just grace.  More honestly, it's mercy.  Are your blessings evidence of God's goodness in your life?  Or are they something more? An invitation.Tell me your story of invitation.  I'd love to hear it! Oh, and if you like what you've read, I would love it if you would subscribe.  The box is up and to the right.  Thanks!  Cindy 


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