Let's Blow the Socks off of Cyber Monday

And make REAL impact through Giving Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday ...What might happen if we gave away as much money to really good causes as we spent on Black Friday and Cyber Monday?  What would that make possible?Maybe you doubt that what you have to offer could possibly matter.  Every bit matters.  Every bit.  Even two copper coins.Giving Tuesday is just one dayBut maybe, just maybe over this Christmas Season we can join hands and give away much more than we buy.  Wouldn't that be great?I want to make this easy for you and highlight five organizations that are near and dear to my heart.  I'd love for you to consider making an investment in one or more.Special Hope Network

Special Hope believes that every child matters. Their focus is children with intellectual and development disabilities in Zambia.  It's run by dear friends of mine, Eric and Holly Nelson and Beth Bailey.  I could talk to you all day about these friends and their work.  Amazing!

Exodus Road

Exodus Road exists to empower the deliverance of sex slaves. They are working in partnership with multiple organizations and government offices to fight human trafficking.  Their two heartbeats are empowerment and collaboration.  Good stuff!

Sole Hope

Sole Hope is bringing health and hope to so many children in Uganda by getting jiggers out of their feet and shoes on their feet.  Piper and I are having a shoe cutting party in a couple of weeks and I can't wait!

Help One Now

Help One Now is more than an organization. It's a tribe of people committed to ending extreme poverty, caring for orphans, rescuing slaves, and seeing communities transformed by coming alongside local leaders. They believe that doing good should be simple.  Love it!


RiverCross has the world's most vulnerable children as their focus.  Most of these children have experienced horrific trauma - exploitation, abuse, trafficking.  RiverCross is using radio drama to train caregivers to not only meet their basic needs, but to help them heal and bring them hope. How great is that?

I love all of these organizations. But I do need to let you know that you'll be hearing much more from me about RiverCross in the weeks to come.  I can't tell you all the details now.  But I am pretty excited!So, check out these organizations and give to one, or two, or five.  Let's blow the socks off of Cyber Monday and make REAL impact through Giving Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday ... :) 


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