Looking for a Great Christmas Gift?

If you're looking for a great Christmas gift for girlfriends, mothers, teachers ... I have a recommendation for you.Although I know the story, I emailed my friend, Sara, about 1/3 of the way in and said, "Sara, you are wooing my heart to the heart of God." And, it's true.If you read Sara's writing over at her blog or download her printables you know that the words she writes are treasures. You want a copy of this book.  And you will want to buy it for others.If you've been tracking with Sara for awhile now, you know that she's walked paths of bitterness -- in marriage, in infertility, in perfectionism.  But what Sara does again and again and again is turn to God in the midst.  Her writing is beautiful, raw, honest.  By practicing adoration, especially when it doesn't make sense, Sara shows us how to do the same.  Reading EBTIS is a bit, for me, like going back through my scrapbook.  We walked together through the adoption process.  Actually it was through Sara that I first heard about Katya.  We were at the airport when Eden and Caleb came home.  And they were waiting when Katya and I touched down at Dulles for the last time.  We prayed together. We worshipped together.So, when I read EBTIS, I'm remembering what the Lord was doing in my life, in my heart ... and it's so precious to me.But, even if this were not the case.  Even if snippets of the timeline of EBTIS sweet weren't paralleled in my own journal, it would still be my story. Because this is what God wants to do in all of our lives.  He wants to make the bitter sweet.  He wants to exchange ashes for beauty. He wants to stir our hearts to adoration in a way that brings him glory and at the same time brings us so much joy.So ... if you haven't gotten your copy of EBTIS, order it today.  Go ahead and order several, because you're going to want to share it with others.  And, if you're not yet convinced.  Take 5 minutes and then see what you think. 


Do What You Want


Let's Blow the Socks off of Cyber Monday