When terrible things happen in the world ...

... how do you handle it?Yesterday, we all heard the news from Paris. We read of journalists being hunted down for exercising free speech. We watched the video of a wounded police officer being executed. The cold-blooded professionalism of these assassins was chilling, to say the least.I've seen people react to terrible things in the world and in their personal life in a variety of ways.

~Some bury their heads in the sand and pretend that the evil is not real.

~Some blame those who are hurting even searching for sin in their lives.

~Some walk away from God directing their anger toward him.

There's a better way.A way that will enable you to consider the reality of the pain in this broken, groaning world and respond in a way that brings you peace.

1. Partner with Christ to be a force for good in the world.

2. Pray that those plotting evil would be stopped, and that those who have done evil will be brought to justice.

3. Press more deeply into the Word to understand Christ's will and his ways.

4. Practice the presence of God through prayer, meditation, and watching for his fingerprints .

5. Pursue the long vision by trusting in the hope of Christ's return and his promise that a better day is coming.

6. Pray for those being hurt by evil, and if you have the capacity, do what you can to come alongside.

Terrible things are part of this fallen, broken world.  Creation groans.  But let's choose to not bury, blame, or walk away from God.  Let's choose a better way. 

But for me it is good to be near God; 

I have made the Lord God my refuge.

Psalm 73:28a



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