Are You Holding Onto the Fierce Promise of Christmas?

On this side of the new year, resolutions still a bit shiny, it's easy to relegate the fierce promise of Christmas to the dried up tree by the trash pile.It's easy to box up the incarnation along with the ornaments and head to the gym.It's easy to be as weary with the mystery of Emmanuel as you are with rocking' around the Christmas tree.But, let's not do that.The fierce promise of Christmas is for today. The whisper of Emmanuel, God with us, threads through the ages and came to a glorious crescendo at the cradle.

As Jacob dreamed of stairways and angels.

And Moses charged a new generation and a new leader with the promise that should have been his.

As Joshua stood on the edge of the Jordan with a band of nomads and an impossible challenge.

As David passed the legacy he wanted onto his son.

As Haggai stood by a ruined city, with a ruined people calling them with hope and purpose.

I will never leave you or forsake you. I am Emmanuel. God made flesh. I am with you always. 

Whatever today holds, whatever challenges, disappointments, fears you face, would you hold onto the fierce promise of Christmas?  It's for you and me today.


The Danger of Pursuing a Glorious Vision


When terrible things happen in the world ...