The Danger of Pursuing a Glorious Vision

David has been appointed and anointed.  He's whipped the Philistines and everyone knew that God was with him.So, when this newly crowned king led a crowd of 30,000 to bring home the ark of God, nobody batted an eye.  After all, he was king.  And he had a history of seeking God, and hearing from him.Except this time ... he didn't.  David's vision was glorious. More than anything, David wanted God's presence with him and with the people.  He wanted to bring home the ark of the covenant.But, he didn't do his homework.This ark was so special that God had specifically told Moses how the ark was to be carried.David didn't do his homework. Or he ignored it. Two men, Uzzah and Ahio, loaded the ark of the covenant onto a cart pulled by oxen.  As they set out from Baal-judah to Jerusalem, it was a party. And David is loving it.But David allowed his vision to lead, rather than God. Ahio is walking in front of the cart, and Uzzah is toward the back. One of the oxen stumbles.  Uzzah did what any of us would do.  He put his hand out to keep the ark from falling off.  And immediately God strikes him down ... dead. The result of David's pursuit of his glorious vision was death, anger, fear, and a temporary abandonment of the vision.Pursuing a glorious vision is dangerous. But it doesn't mean the vision is wrong.  Rather than abandon your glorious vision, learn from David. Seek God and do your homework.Do you have a glorious vision that you need to bring before the Lord?  


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