When You're Just Not That Into God

Jesus is pretty clear that there are two really important things we need to be doing on this earth:

Loving God and

Loving others.

But if we're honest, we all have days when we don't really love God so much.  Maybe not in the "We're over" kind of way.  But more like "I just am not that into you right now."Do you know what I mean?

Maybe you're asking real questions about God's ways and someone's giving you trite answers.

Maybe you've been hurt by people in your church and you want to walk away.

Maybe hard things have happened and you're struggling with the question of the ages.  "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

You're just not that into him.Let me make a suggestion. Stop trying so hard. And, for goodness sake, stop faking it.Instead, ask God to stir your heart to love him.  Tell him that you've got more questions than answers. Tell him that life is hard, you're hurting, and you're worn out.  Tell him that you want to love him, but your heart has grown cold.He can take it. He knows it already. And he is ready to lead you into the most deep and satisfying love relationship that you could ever know.Ask God to stir your heart to love him.  And keep asking him.

May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:5


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