Is God Good?
This is the question that messes with so many of us. Isn't it?
On the eve of September 11, 2001, I asked, "Why would you allow this?"
As I stood alongside a friend burying her son in 2005, I asked, "What good could come out of this?"
And then, in October, 2009 I opened my email in Odessa, Ukraine. My daughter, Adelyn, reported that Piper, our #6, was in the ER with third degree burns. And I asked, "God, are you really good?
I did the only thing I know to do. I opened up the book of John. And I said, "Jesus, I need to see you."And in the book of John, I see this Jesus. I see him as the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd. I see him as the way and the truth. I see him as the vine, the one through whom all life flows. I see him as the resurrection, the life. My life.Regardless of what is happening around me ... I trust this Jesus. And I believe that he is good. If you are like me, wondering about the goodness of God, perhaps today is a day for you to crack open the book of John and simply take a look at Jesus.
And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10