Who is the Elise in your life?

So, Bill and I left after church on Sunday and headed to the NC mountains. We are GETTING AWAY. And we need it.Folks, it's been a long pull and we are on the verge of some pretty exciting things. Really exciting stuff.But, as is true for SO MANY, we need to connect. We know in our heads that our relationship with each other is our #1 priority. But, can I be real with you? It is HARD to set aside work, ministry, KIDS, and invest in marriage.Enter Elise. Elise is our AMAZING youth director. And she is giving up DAYS of her life to be with our kids so that Bill and I can have time with each other.Who is the Elise in your life?The someone who will spend time with your kids so that you can invest in your marriage? She's there. You may just have to look for her.Who is the Elise in your life?If you don't have an Elise in your life, please message me on FB.  I believe SO STRONGLY that this is important and I would LOVE to pray for you to find your Elise.  

"Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Mark 10:9


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