Should You Try To Be the Cool Mom?

Bill and I  had been married for 10 months when we got this.It was 1993 in  the wee hours of the internet.  Al Gore had barely made his splash. Facebook wasn't even a thing.Let the shock continue. There was ...

No Maternity Photo Shoot.

No Gender Reveal Party.

No Pinterest.  Did you get that? NO Pinterest.

Growing a baby inside of you is HARD ENOUGH. And now you are supposed to document Every. Single. Moment. You are supposed to be glowing, and radiant, and oh-so-cool.I have a few things I want to say to you.

You are AMAZING.  You are growing a baby inside your body!

You are TREASURED. Before you are a mom, you are a daughter. God loves you and he's with you in this.

You are READY. Nobody is really ready, but that's the secret.  In nine months, you GET ready. And by the time this baby arrives, you will BE ready.

You don't need to be cool. But you are going to be tempted every day to TRY and be cool.  Don't give in.With all your un-coolness ... God made you for this. Don't spend hours on the Internet trying to figure out how to be the cool mom. Instead sink yourself into God's word. See what he says about you. Choose to think his thoughts about who you are and give up trying to be the cool mom. 

Be transformed by the renewal of the mind. Romans 12:2

And just for fun ...[embed][/embed]      


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