Are you Ready for Launch?

In one fell drop-off of pillows, posters, and pictures they are out of the nest. Launched. And you're driving away staring out the window because anything else will produce heaving sobs.In those moments we wonder ...

Will they find friends?

Will they find good friends?

Will they find good friends who will become their community, encourage them, and love them all the way through these awkward coming of age years?

 At least these are the things I wonder. I'm really not concerned about grades, and classes, and majors, and their tiny dorm rooms.SistersOur oldest three have launched well.  They are engaged in communities of faith.  They have great friends that encourage them and challenge them. And they are making choices that are consistent with their values and beliefs.And it's grace, friends, all grace.Next Saturday, J.D. Greear and his wife, Veronica will be speaking on preparing for launch. I cannot WAIT to learn from them!And then, after the main session, I'm going to join them for a panel discussion. And you can ask me ANYTHING. Seriously.I would LOVE to see you there!  Sign up right HERE.Are you ready for launch? Ready to Launch 


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