For the Sake of Beauty

What are you willing to do for the sake of beauty?

I'm not talking about sunsets, and artwork.  I'm talking about your physical beauty.This is an individual question. No judgment from me over eye cream or a procedure or two. This is for you and me, individually, to consider.

What are you willing to do for the sake of beauty?

God made us to appreciate beauty. But, once our pursuit of beauty is driven by pride, we are just a short step away from some seriously crazy thinking.If we are honest, this is a struggle for every single one of us. Wrestling that each of us has to do. It is so easy to pursue temporary beauty instead of pursuing real beauty, lasting beauty.Today, would you take some time to consider what you are willing to do for the sake of beauty?   

Your heart became proud on account of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. Ezekiel 28:17


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