When Patience Dwindles

I'm still being buried by 6th grade math.But this time it's unit multipliers.  Good grief!  Oh my goodness! And what was Mr. Unit Multiplier thinking?So, I sit with Katya trying to get a grasp on her math lesson of the day.  And I'm beyond patient, people. Beyond. As I explain that ...

12 inches over 1 foot = 1


36 inches over 3 feet = 1


3 feet over 1 yard = 1

Because of this, you can multiply a unit multiplier by ANYTHING and STILL come up with the very same number.  It's like magic!Pause for a moment and be impressed with my math skills, folks. Okay, now that we've done that, let's get back to the real issue.My patience. And the fact that I KNOW that unit multipliers get a lot harder.  A LOT harder.  Converting from inches to centimeters, and pounds to kilograms, and miles to kilometers.  Oh. My. Goodness.Overwhelmed with the enormity of it all, my patience dwindles. I take a deep breath, pray, smile, congratulate her on the good work she's done, and call it a day.I don't always get it right, but tonight I did.  I could have pushed and pulled and dragged her up Unit Multiplier Mount Everest. But not without and oxygen tank ... and harsh words. And my friends, I've learned that harsh words get us nowhere.  When patience dwindles, give a soft answer and call it a day.

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1.


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