Are You Trying to Push Past Empty?

I tend to let the gas tank get pretty low. Most of the time this works fine. But, one day it didn't.I am on the highway trying to get home. I don't want to stop. But, as the needle edges below E...... I know I'm going to have to get off at the next exit.Wouldn't you know ... the gas station is up the four-lane road, through an intersection, and on the OTHER side.I come off the ramp and continue downhill. So far, so good. But then the road begins to incline.  And the car begins to chug-chug. I'm leaning into the steering wheel hoping to add just enough oomph to get over the hill.  Over the crest and toward the stop light.  On fumes, I approach the intersection. I just might make it!I slide into the left hand turn lane. But, the light goes from yellow to red.  I look left. And I look right. The coast is clear. So, judge me all you want, but I go right through that very red light.But, that's as far as I got. I tried to push pass empty, but it didn't work.  And I'm wondering if this is where you are today? Trying to push past empty?  What I need, and what you need is to pause, even if you don't have the time, breathe deep, and spend some time with Jesus.   

"The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life." John 6:33


A Beautiful Jewel


When Patience Dwindles