A Beautiful Jewel

So often I am calling us to fix our eyes on Jesus. Even when it takes Herculean effort ... I'm calling you and me to turn our face to Jesus and rivet our gaze toward him.And yet, right here, in the middle of Ezekiel. In the middle of destruction, and devastation, and doomsday ... we have this beautiful jewel.

"I will not hide my face anymore from them, when I pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel," declares the Lord. Ezekiel 39:29

If you have trusted Christ with your life, if you've turned away from your way and chosen his way...

If you've said simply, "Jesus, I need you..."Then the Lord has poured out his Spirit upon you and his face is toward you.

Even if you don't feel the warmth of his breath.

Or the nearness of his gaze.

Even if he seems so silent.

And so far away.

Even if every circumstance tells you that he is hiding his face from you, don't believe it. His face is toward you.Today, if working to fix your eyes upon him seems impossible, simply lift your eyes, dear one, and take comfort in this beautiful jewel.His face is toward you.  


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