When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Maybe life doesn't make much sense right now. There's tragedy in your own household. Or your community.Maybe there's too much pain in the world, or in your own heart. You're going through the motions, but inside your heart, inside your head ... there's just too much.Maybe you've made mistakes you can't fix. Or it turns out that the grass you thought was greener was really just coated in a thin veneer. And you want to go home. But you don't think that you can.Maybe you're doubting that God is real. Thinking that you just followed your culture, or your family, or in a moment of weakness you needed a crutch.  And you think that you might just stop trying to believe. You might just walk away.Instead of walking away, or giving up, or checking out ... can I ask you to do one thing?  Can I ask you to sit with Jesus?  Just sit with him?Now, I know this takes a measure of faith. And if your faith is too dried up, just open your Bible. Open it to the book of John and read it with one goal in mind ... to see Jesus.As you read about the Word made flesh, watch him call Nathanael, turn water to wine, bring hope to Nicodemus, heal the man who had been disabled for 38 years ... watch Jesus.Watch what he does, how he speaks, how he loves, how he lives. Watch how he dies. Watch Jesus.When life doesn't make sense watch Jesus. Watch Jesus and set your heart on him. In the midst of it all. Set your heart on him.

Set your heart upon all that I shall show you, for you were brought here in order that I might show it to you. Ezekiel 40:4


What is God Showing You?


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