The Saturday This Happened

We knew we'd have a few students for dinner. But then ... this happened.Students On Saturday afternoon groups of three, five, ten trickled in the door until the count stood at 36.  Sara Maria checked in with me, "Mom, is this okay?"  Jordan chopped chicken and added broth to the Prairie Corn Chowder. And God did his loaves and fishes thing.When Bill and I were just starting out as parents, we had a vision. A vision that God would use us to raise up the next generation of true worshippers.  We prayed that this would start in our own household. But even more that God would use our children to ignite their generation. On Saturday, these students from Christopher Newport, Liberty, and William and Mary were an answer to this prayer.In town for a worship conference, they honored us by joining us for dinner. In them we saw beauty, and the power of God. We saw hope.   In the midst of blizzards, arms disputes, orphan statistics, ISIS ... God is working. He's igniting a generation who are loving him and loving others with deep passion, deep purpose. On Saturday night ... we saw hope.  

Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. Psalm 145:4


A Glorious Show-and-Tell


What is God Showing You?