A Glorious Show-and-Tell

God has purpose in what he shows you.Often his purpose is a glorious show-and tell.  God shows. We tell.  Not to give direction, or bring condemnation. Not a "word from the Lord" that will alter their life path. But most often ... to encourage others, build them up. And always to point them to Christ. God shows. We tell.God has purpose in what he shows you.He may show you hidden treasure that's  just for you. But often what he shows you is for you to tell. 

God showed Ezekiel a vision of restoration to tell with the nation of Israel.

He showed Mary the reality of resurrection to tell the disciples.

He showed that precious Samaritan woman the depth of her need and the beauty of all he offered to tell a forsaken village.

God has purpose in what he shows you. And often his purpose is a glorious show-and-tell.  What is he showing you today?  Who will you tell?

Set your heart upon all that I shall show you, for you were brought here in order that I might show it to you. Declare all that you see to the house of Israel. Ezekiel 40:4


The Danger of Minimizing


The Saturday This Happened