The Danger of Minimizing

"What I'm dealing with is nothing compared to what so many others are going through."TroubleThis is what so many of us say when we're facing something hard in our day.  Our intent is good. We don't want to be whiners. We don't want to magnify what seems so small compared to ...

a cancer diagnosis,

the loss of a spouse,

the horrors children are facing in war-torn countries.

So, we minimize the day's trouble and count our blessings.But, if we minimize the day's trouble, we may be missing the glory.Today's trouble may be just the tool God is using to

shape your heart to more distinctly resemble Christ's,

strain the dross from your passions leaving only that which is pure.

stir your longing for the eternal rather than the temporary.

Every single trouble of your day, no matter how relatively small, can have glorious purpose.  Don't minimize your trouble and miss the glory.  For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. 2 Corinthians 4:17


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