Discovering Purpose Through Pain

Has pain revealed purpose?Often, this is how it works. You are walking a hard road. And on the journey,  you learn to depend deeply on God. You quiet yourself to hear his voice. And he draws so very near. He gives you treasures hidden in darkness.Things that were once so important no longer matter to you. Pain has cut away the excess. You understand purpose.As you come to the end of this hard road, you know that transformation has happened. In beholding the glory of the Lord in the midst of the pain, you've been changed.The temptation is to move too quickly. You're eager to share the beauty God has brought from the ashes.  But don't move too fast.Through pain, God revealed to Daniel purpose. God gave Daniel knowledge and skill in all literature and learning. But he also gave him a gift ... understanding in all visions and dreams.But rather than rushing forward to use this gift, he exercised prudence and discretion. He waited on the Lord. And when God opened the door, he was ready.

And Daniel went in and requested the king to appoint him a time, that he might show the interpretation to the king. Daniel 2:16

Are you on a hard road? Are you finding God near? Quiet your heart and let him give you treasures hidden in darkness. Let him reveal purpose through the pain.


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