Can We Make a Difference?

The issue of vulnerable children is a huge one, an overwhelming one.

There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 153 million orphans in the world. 17.9 million of them have lost both of their parents and are on the streets or in orphanages.This is the Michigan Wolverine stadium. It hold 109,901 people. Line up 163 stadiums full of orphans, and you have a picture of the world's most vulnerable children.As much as I’d like to think that we could bring all these children into families, it’s just not going to happen. Can we really make a difference?I believe we can.  This week, I will be highlighting the cause of the orphan.  Not in a way that brings despair. But in a way that brings hope and invites you to join me in the work I’m doing to bring healing and hope to the world’s most vulnerable children.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.   James 1:27


If we want to help orphans ...


Discovering Purpose Through Pain