If we want to help orphans ...

... our best resource may already be in place.  EOH CaregiversMany orphanages around the world hire loving caregivers to become “mamas” for these children. They provide the children food, shelter, school, and often even share the love of Christ with them.I've spent time with some of these men and women. And they are AMAZING!

As wonderful as they are, most of them are not equipped to help the children with what may be their most serious issue: Trauma.This may be tough to hear, but it’s important for you to know. Experts tell us that the overwhelming majority of orphans have been sexually exploited.As you can imagine, this trauma creates a barrier hindering the children from receiving the love offered to them. These caregivers are our best resource  if we want to build bridges to help these children heal from their trauma and gain lasting hope.
The problem? The caregivers tell us that they don't know how to come alongside the children in their trauma.If we really want to make a difference in the lives of a large number of orphans, equipping their caregivers may be the most important thing we can do.If we want to help orphans ... our best resource may already be in place.   This week, I am highlighting the cause of the orphan.  Not in a way that brings despair. But in a way that brings hope and invites you to join me in the work I’m doing to bring healing and hope to the world’s most vulnerable children by equipping their caregivers.  

Now may the God of peace ... equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight. Hebrews 13:20-22


The Power of a Great Story


Can We Make a Difference?