Let's Make a Difference

We want to make a difference. But, often we wonder what we can do that will really help.I am convinced that through RiverCross, we truly can make a difference.  We can build bridges of healing, bridges of hope for the world's most vulnerable children.And so … I’d like to invite you to join my Partnership Team.My Partnership Team is made up of people who want to champion the cause of the world’s most vulnerable children. They are using their time, talent, and treasure leveraging their resources to make a difference.You can  join one or more teams that match your passion and your resources.

Prayer Team

Pray for for RiverCross, as well as for me and my family. Because of the seriousness of the cause, and the impact RiverCross has the potential to make, prayer is critical. You will receive monthly updates and be invited to participate in monthly prayer gatherings in NC. You may also choose to engage in online prayer opportunities as well when you join my Prayer Team.

Connection Team

Share my work with RiverCross across your sphere of influence. Here are a few possibilities:

~Introduce me to your friends, pastor, colleagues.

~Follow me on Facebook and Twitter, and then share with your friends.

~Invite me to speak at your event or retreat.

Collaborate with me to share the cause and create community on my Connection Team.

Giving Team

Invest financially in my work with RiverCross with a recurring gift or a stand-alone gift.  Financial partners are essential if we are going to advance the cause of RiverCross. You can easily make your contribution online. Or, if you'd prefer to mail it in, message me on FB and give me your address. I'll send you information in the mail so that you can join my Giving Team.

 To join a team, go to this link and let me know which team is a fit for you. Partner with me in building bridges of healing, bridges of hope for the world’s most vulnerable children. Let's make a difference. 

Zambia Cindy

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. Philippians 1:3-5


Find Your Sweet Spot


How Can a Story Save a Life?