Find Your Sweet Spot

If you've been around here for long at all, you know that I LOVE to see people in their sweet spot.

And now God's opened the way for me to serve him in my sweet spot. I am amazed, humbled, and so very thankful.I'm working with RiverCross, an organization that has as its cause the world's most vulnerable children.  I honestly feel like pinching myself because I can hardly believe that the Lord would invite me join him in this work.This weekend I'm going to be leading a breakout session at Knowing God Ministries, "Making a Difference in my Generation" Conference called The Secret of Making Lasting Impact Every Single Day.I'm not going to give away the secret here, but what I will tell you is that is has to do with a BEAUTIFUL truth that will keep you moving in the right direction, even when you feel like you have no direction.Today is the last day to register for this conference. It's going to be great.  Two of my favorite people, Tara Furman and Amy Carroll are the keynote speakers.  Ryan Wingo's leading workshop. And the breakout options are incredible.I'm also going to have a table set up for RiverCross.  I will be hanging out there with one of my daughters and would love to meet you and get to know you. And if I can come alongside and help you slide into  your sweet spot ... I would love it.

There are different kinds of gifts. But it is the same Holy Spirit Who gives them. There are different kinds of work to be done for Him. But the work is for the same Lord. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6



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Let's Make a Difference