Can I ask you to pray for me? 

This weekend, nearly 300 women will gather in a small town in NC to learn what it means to make a difference.I'm speaking at a pre-conference tonight, leading two break-out sessions at the conference, and participating in a panel discussion. I'll also have a table set up for RiverCross.  I'm so excited to see what God is going to do this weekend.But, I'm feeling a bit more than a giddy kind of excitement. I'm feeling expectancy. I'm expecting that women will be mobilized to make a difference.There is weightiness to this. Seriousness. Surrender. I'm sensing God calling to women to

  • Wake up,
  • Rise up, and
  • Line up for HIS purposes.

And I get to be part of this.  I feel the weightiness. Would you pray for the women? For all the speakers and breakout leaders? And would you pray for me?  Pray ... for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. Ephesian 6:19


Bold Courage


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