What Happened to God's Purpose for Your Life?

At some point you had purpose. Good purpose. Purpose you sensed was from God.

  • God spoke to you through the Word.
  • In prayer, your  heart was stirred for a cause that you know is on God's heart.
  • You see the need and you see how you could truly make a difference.
  • You anticipate that co-laboring with Christ in this cause would bring you deep satisfaction.

But, that day is long gone. You've stalled out. And you've lost your purpose. I've got a word for you, three words really, that may be hard to hear.

Give careful thought. 

The Israelites had purpose. By decree of the king they were to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Lord's House.Threats from the outside stalled the work. But the bigger threat was internal.  Rather than simply taking care of their basic needs they pursued a comfortable life.

Give careful thought. 

Pursuit of a comfortable life kept them from their purpose. In grace, God orchestrated circumstances to get their attention.And in grace, God sent a prophet to remind them of their purpose. These Israelites listened  to God. They recommitted themselves. They got the glorious promise of God's presence with them.  And they got back to work.

Give careful thought.

Four times God says, "Give careful thought." And I'm wondering if this is for you.  Have you heard from God, but allowed the pursuit of a comfortable life hinder you? Have you considered that some of the frustrations in your life may be due to this pursuit? If this is for you, I can relate. I'm praying for you and I'm passionately hoping that today is the day you'll

  • hear from God,
  • remember your purpose,
  • claim the promise of his presence with you, and
  • get back to work.

We each have work to do. Good work. Important work. Let's don't let a pursuit of a comfortable life get in the way.

Give careful thought. 


Double Rainbow Hope


If You Feel Like You've Been Waiting for a Long Time ...