Double Rainbow Hope

On the day we drove to meet Katya for the first time, we saw a double rainbow in the sky.As we drove from Charlottesville to D.C., these two rainbows almost danced around us. On this side of the road, and then that. Behind us, and then in front of us. A sign to me of healing, of hope.We didn't know Katya then.  We knew a bit about her history, but we didn't know her.Katya - HoldingBut when I held her for the first time, I knew I was holding my daughter.This hasn't changed. And I still hold double rainbow hope. But these years have been hard. Life is challenging anyway, right? And when you choose hard things, life gets even more challenging. But there's a grace, a tenderness, a compassion toward yourself and others that comes with it.Every time I think about the work we're doing now with RiverCross, I am amazed. As we work to build bridges of healing, bridges of hope for the world's most vulnerable children, I'm working to build this bridge right in my own home.I'm finding that RiverCross resonates with so many of us because we've experienced trauma in our own lives. We know the long road to healing. And we know that when the wounds close over, we still have scars. Even with all the resources at our disposal, we still have scars.And so our hearts go out to the men and women around the world who are caring for children who have been abused, exploited trafficked ... We get it. We want to help them help the children. We want to help them find double rainbow hope.  Right now, I'm building a Partnership Team. I need people who will partner with me by praying. I need people who will share the work of RiverCross across their sphere of influence.  And I need people who will financially partner with me.And though large gifts are great, I SO value the gifts of $10, $20, $30. And here's why. If my team is built by MANY people who are monthly donating their Starbucks money, then that's so many more people who are on the Team. Together we can do so much more than any one of us can do by ourself.  I still hold double rainbow hope for Katya, for us, and for the most vulnerable children in the world.  How about you?

If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10


Lamenting Loss


What Happened to God's Purpose for Your Life?