When You Raise Your Children to Soar ...

... often, they do.And we want it this way.  We want them to always have  a foundation  of family connection, but with the freedom to be their own person. We want our children to soar.  Last night, my daughter sent me this text:Screen Shot"Absolutely!" I texted back.Within moments, her "something" landed in my inbox.  I wasn't quite prepared for the emotions this "something" would stir. While we want our children to soar, it's quite another thing when they do.With Adelyn's permission, I'd love to invite you to enjoy the beauty of this daughter of mine as she spreads her wings.

My name is Adelyn, and this summer I’m chasing Jesus to Santa Cruz, California. 

When I was a little girl, we had a bookshelf full of  missionary biographies - Amy Carmichael, Jim Elliot, Lottie Moon, Hudson Taylor, the works. The copy on Lottie Moon was my favorite. Paperback copy bent and rippled from a nearly fatal swim in the creek, I loved that book. Lottie Moon grew up in a ministry-driven family and spent her childhood declaring she would never go into missions. She would stand in front of the mirror and list off all the things she was going to do that didn't have to do with leaving her home, her safe place, her comfort zone. 

I think Lottie Moon was my favorite biography because I was her. I grew up in a family involved in ministry and lived a lifestyle very reminiscent of those involved with what is recognized as 'missionary work' - the fundraising and late bills and always praying and change after change. And I wanted nothing to do with any of it. I just wanted to be 'normal.' I didn't want to have to worry about depending on other people for my living. I had no interest in intentionally pursuing a lifestyle of not knowing. 

For the rest of the story, click here. When you raise your children to soar ... often, they do.  Adelyn - Rock


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