Perhaps "Now" is Your Time

The people say the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord. Haggai 1:2

What is holding you back? Has God given you an idea, a call even?

Is this idea inline with God's word? His character? His kingdom?

Has he connected you with people who are like-minded?

Has he positioned you in your community, school, church to advance this idea?

Has he opened doors that you never would have dreamed possible to enable you to move forward?

Has he quietly spoken, "Now is your time?"

Then what is holding you back?For the Israelites, they knew what they were called to do -- rebuild the temple.  But, they got busy building paneled houses saying, "The time has not yet come."So very gracefully, God said, "Now is the time." 

He woke them up through their circumstances. Their work to build a comfortable life didn't bear fruit. It was like they were earning wages, but putting the money into a bag with holes.

He gave them perspective through his word. The circumstances alone would not have been enough. God explained to the people what was really going on.

He gave them direction to get on the right path. "Go into the hills and bring wood and build the house." He told them exactly what they needed to do next.

He promised his presence. "I am with you." More than anything, this is what they needed to accomplish the work.

He stirred their hearts. As the people heard God's word and considered their ways, they turned back to God. And, as they obeyed, God stirred their hearts for the work.

Can you relate?  Take some time and consider ... What's holding you back? Perhaps "now" is your time.


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