Are You Engaged in Good Work?

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 3:6

Each of us has work to do. From the Garden, we were made for work. Good work. Work that is productive and delightful. Work that fits with who we are. Work that was established for us before the foundations of the world were laid. 

Are you engaged in good work?

Good work is in line with God's heart.

God's heart is for the vulnerable, the oppressed, the orphan, the widow. Loving your neighbor as yourself.  Are you engaged in work that is in line with God's heart?

Good work is bigger than you.

When you consider the good work that stirs your heart, it should feel overwhelming. You shouldn't be able to do it in your own strength, with your own resources. When you're engaged in good work, you should know that unless God shows up, you're done.  Are you engaged in work that is bigger than you?

Good work takes a team.

We were never meant to work alone. God sent a team, a large team to rebuild the temple. He sent his disciples out two-by-two to preach, teach, and heal.  Are you working in team?

Good work is for God's glory.

In your work, whose kingdom are you working to build? Our work is shine the glory of God into the world, to show that God is with us.  Are you working for God's glory?

 Good work is for our joy.

When we are engaged in good work, we have joy, satisfaction, blessing. Are you engaged in work that brings you joy?

The temple building team was engaged in good work. They were outmanned, outstripped, and faced threats on every side. Perhaps you can relate. Only by the power of the Spirit could we engage in good work.  

Are you engaged in good work?


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