Do You Ever Wonder if You "Matter?"
"I don't matter." Have you ever felt this way?
Your thoughts are unimportant.
Your opinion is undervalued.
Your life simply doesn't matter.
When Piper was a little girl,I'd ask her,
"Would you like the blue cup or the red?"
"Would you like to color or paint?"
"Would you like to go for a walk or ride your tricycle?"
And this little cutie would answer,
"I don't matter."
Now, you and I know that what she was really saying was, "It doesn't matter to me. Either the blue cup or the red cup is great."But every time she said it, I smiled at the cuteness,
and then went eye-level with messages like this."
"You matter so very much. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together by the Creator of the universe."
"You matter more than you could ever imagine. He put together all this beautiful Piper-ish-ness so that you can shine his light into the world."
"Oh, honey, you do matter. You matter so much that Jesus Christ left his throne and came down to this earth to show you how much you matter."
Today Piper turns 15.What a joy and delight she is! But like you and me, she still asks this question,
"Do I matter?"
And my answer, and God's answer, to her on this day of celebration is,
"Honey, you matter so very much."
Piper has a blog.
Isn't that the cutest name? And one of the best gifts you could give her is to pop on over, read her words, and leave her a comment. Would you help me celebrate Piper's birthday?' I'd be so appreciative!
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14