One Reason You May Be Burning Out

There is ALWAYS something to do, right?The task list is unending. And even when you get it done, you often have to start over again.  Because ... laundry.When we keep our eyes on the task list and our nose to the grind stone without a pause, burnout is inevitable.  According to this article in Forbes, here are 10 signs of burnout:

  • Exhaustion
  • Lack of motivation
  • Frustration, cynicism, and other negative emotions
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Slipping performance
  • Relational difficulties
  • Not taking care of yourself
  • Being preoccupied with work, even when you're supposed to be relaxing
  • General dissatisfaction
  • Health problems

I think most of us know that when were are sliding toward burnout. And we know what we should do about it:  relax, unplug, sleep, etc.But, I've got another idea.


The Israelites worked long and hard to rebuild the wall. When it was finally finished, they didn't start looking for the next project.  They planned a party.  Music, dancing, feasting ...

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites in all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication with gladness, with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, harps, and lyres.  Nehemiah 12:27

They didn't just check it off their task list and move to the next thing. They paused to ...


The singers sang ... and they offered great sacrifices that day and rejoiced, for God had made them rejoice with great joy; the women and children also rejoiced. And the joy of Jerusalem was heard far away. Nehemiah 12:43

I notice five things about this celebration:

1. They celebrated from their strengths

They didn't ask the non-singers to sing. They called up those who were gifted singers to do the singing.  Celebrate in a way that uses strengths and your available resources, not in a way that wears you out.

2. They celebrated with intentionality

They planned. And in their planning they included a ceremony to mark what had been accomplished. Celebrate with intentionality and mark the occasion.

3. They celebrated with their community

They pulled in people from all over for the celebration. And it wasn't just the men.  The women and children were there too. Bring in  those who will bless you and want to celebrate with you.

4. They celebrated with reliance

They gave God the glory and he gave them the strength to rejoice.  I love this.  God gave them the joy they needed to celebrate. If the thought of pausing to celebrate wears you out, ask God to give you the strength to rejoice.

5. They celebrated with joy

They were so joyful that their rejoicing was heard far away. Your celebration may not involve as many people and may not be as noisy, but set aside your task list and simply celebrate.

When you feel yourself sliding toward burnout, it may be because you need to get your nose off the grindstone and your eyes off the task list and celebrate!


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