5 "Quiet Time" Questions You May be Too Embarrassed to Ask

For years I was a cultural Christian. I went to church occasionally. I considered myself a good person. I even won a Bible in Sunday school when I was in 4th grade.

For me, that Bible was a reward for learning the books of the Bible. It was nothing more than a trophy on a shelf.

When I was in college, I began to suspect that there was more to being a Christian than going to church occasionally and being a good person.  I began to think that my trophy might actually be a treasure. 

I wanted to start reading my Bible, having a "quiet time" but I didn't know where to start.  I had questions.  But, I was too embarrassed to ask.  I thought I should know all of this. Maybe you can relate.

So here are 5 "Quiet Time" questions you may be too embarrassed to ask.Who?

You!  Nobody else can do this for you. It's as simple as that.


The Bible. There are a million great resources out there. Read them. But not for your quiet time.


When you're awake. I like to pray, read my Bible, and journal in the morning, but maybe you're a night owl. That's fine.  Just read it when you're awake.


Get a spot that you love and make sure you have everything you need.  For me, I need my Bible, my journal, my favorite pen, and a cup of coffee.


Because God will speak to you in your quiet time. That is AMAZING.  Can we just marvel at that for a minute?  If you read your Bible consistently, God will speak to you.

Tomorrow we'll get to the "how." If you have specific questions, PM me on Facebook.  I'll either message you right back, or write a post.  Because if you have a question, I'm sure there are plenty of others who do too! Your Bible shouldn't just be a trophy. It should be a treasure.  

They are not idle words for you -- they are your life.                Deuteronomy 32:47


How Your "Quiet Time" Can Become More than an Item on Your Task List


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