May Happened

When May comes around we are limping toward the finish line. The binders are battered. The pencils are barely even nubs. The lunches are whatever we can scrape together. And we love Jen Hatmaker for saying it out loud. We were awesome back in October, right?May happened.If May wasn't enough all by itself, now there's this.  When did this become a thing?So ... I googled, "When did kindergarten graduation become a thing?" And it looks like sometime in the early 90's was when it happened.Sometime in the 90's we added multiple graduation ceremonies to the insanity of end-of-year testing, concerts, field days, award ceremonies, classroom parties.And then there's Mother's Day. Why-oh-why is Mother's Day in May?  It really should be in June. Or October. But not May.May happened.In May, my computer died.  May 4th actually.  I know the exact moment.  I was finishing up my post for Josiah's birthday. The computer screen kind of pulsed green for a few minutes. And then it just died.  Like really died.But now, thanks to one of my RiverCross Partners, I have a FABULOUS computer. But, I'm still getting caught up.May happened. And I'm guess it happened for you too. Are you catching your breath yet? I'm not quite there, but soon ... I think. 


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