Our World Needs Watchmen
This little boy ...... is stepping into manhood.Several weeks ago, he turned 18. We gathered family and friends around. One by one, they spoke words of courage and blessing into his life.
A beautiful May evening with the smell of fresh-cut grass in the air, this night was so much like the night Josiah was born. He shouldered his way into the world just 45 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. So handsome, so sweet.At night, I'd go into his room and just watch him and pray over him. As he moved from crib to bed, the nighttime routine included Dr. Seuss and Bible stories. I'd snuggle with him and say,
"Tell me about your day, Josiah.”
And he'd tell me about the lizards he'd tracked, the worms he'd rescued, and his dinosaur daydreams.Then he'd hold my face between his little hands, look me in the eyes, and say,
"Now, Mommy, tell me about your day."
This son of ours is stepping into manhood.
So, with family and friends gathered around we shared these words.
Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. Ezekiel 3:17
God is shaping Josiah into a watchman. But we don't think he's the only one.Our world needs watchmen. Young men who not only step into manhood, but will position themselves to hear from God, who will stand alert, and then be courageous enough to speak, even in the face of danger. Our world needs watchmen.
Is there a young man in your life who is stepping into manhood? Would you like to see him become a watchman on the wall? Leave a bit of information about him in the comments, and let's pray for these young men to become watchman on the wall. I'll go first.