The Best Question For Lasting Impact Today

What work is God doing in my world today? 

Jesus is walking through Jerusalem, and he comes upon a pool. The pool is pretty impressive with five roofed colonnades.  And gathered around this pool are people who are blind, lame, paralyzed. As Jesus is walking, he's  listening to the voice of his Father. He knows his Father is always working. One man caught Jesus' eye.Jesus stooped down and asked him a question.

"Do you want to be healed?"

You would think the man would have answered, "Yes!" But he didn't. He said,"Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up."Jesus could have left him there at that point. Or he could have waited around until the water was stirred up and helped the man get in. But, he knew his Father was working ... right then.  

"Pick up your mat and walk."

And that's exactly what the man did.And while this was fabulous for the man, there was more going on. It was the Sabbath, which meant that it was against the religious tradition for the healed man to carry his mat. But God's work wasn't limited by their religious traditions.When the Jews confronted Jesus for healing on the Sabbath, he answered,

"My Father is always working. And so am I."  (John 5:1-18)

The best question we can ask every single day is this:

What work is God doing in my world today?

God is always working. Always. If we will be bold enough to:

  • Ask God what he's doing
  • Listen and look for his answer, and
  • Join him in his work,

we will make lasting impact every single day.  What work is God doing in your world today?  


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