Keep Your Hand Up

Several weeks ago I spoke to a crowd of about 200 little people. They were precious. And at one point in the message I asked for volunteers. I think 180 hands shot up.  They were so quick to volunteer!And so was Moses ... at first.When God called Moses from the burning bush, he was quick to raise his hand.

"Here I am!" 

But when God made it clear that he had a pretty tough assignment for him, Moses lowered his hand and came up with four excuses.

  • I'm not qualified
  • I have no authority
  • I have no credentials
  • I'm a terrible speaker

God SO graciously answered every single one of Moses' objections. But when it came down to it, Moses said,

"Send someone else."  

He was quick to volunteer. But when he heard the assignment, he failed to trust God. He lowered his hand. Has God given you a big assignment? A scary assignment? One that is WAY beyond our comfort zone. How might God use you if you stop making excuses and keep your hand up?  If you'd like to dig a little deeper, check out Exodus 3-4.  And,  would you tell me about the assignment God's given you that stretches you beyond your comfort zone? I'd love to pray for you!


You Matter So Very Much


The Best Question For Lasting Impact Today