Do you know him?

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3

Have you arrived here from Knowing God Ministries?  

Welcome!  I'm so glad you popped over! 

Last spring, I met with a friend from my Seafarer days.  As we caught up on life, she said, "You have got to meet Tara Furman.  You will love each other." 

A few weeks later, Tara, Autumn, one of the KGM team members, and I met at Brueger's Bagels and a friendship was born.  We did love each other.  

But not only do we love each other, we, along with all the girls on the Knowing God Ministries team, share vision to see women know God more fully and for every area of their life to be impacted by this relationship. 

We want to see women come to know God, not merely know about God, but to know God personally, intimately.  We want women to know God in ...

  • Relationship 
  • Marriage
  • Parenting
  • Ministry

We want to see women experience all the fullness of life that Jesus intends for us to have.  And we are convinced that this fullness of life, this eternal life, this very real life is found in knowing God through his son, Jesus.  

If this idea of knowing God personally, intimately, is a bit strange to you, I understand.  

I grew up going to church occasionally and would have told anyone that I was a Christian.  After all, I wasn't Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim.  And, I lived in the Bible Belt.  And, my grandfather was a minister.  So, of course I was a Christian.  But being in church or living in the Bible Belt does not make you a Christian.  And as much as my grandparents taught me about Jesus, I couldn't have a relationship with God through them.  God doesn't have grandchildren.

My understanding of God didn't impact a single area of my life.  Not until I hit rock bottom, not until I faced the reality that the "good girl image" I had worked so hard to cultivate was cracked and tarnished was I ready to stop relegating God to church buildings and church people.  I had to face the reality that I wasn't a "good girl." 

Over Christmas Break in 1988 I wrote in my journal, "I now know why my life is such a mess. I've been at the center.  Jesus, I want you at the center."

This very simple confession and surrender was the result of months, years probably, of God drawing my heart to his.  I was so stubborn and insisted on going my own way.  But that Christmas, I examined myself and my efforts and found myself hopelessly short.  When I surrendered myself to Jesus, he became my Savior and my Lord.  

This simple act of surrender began my lifelong journey to know God.  He is so holy, so other, so absolutely awesome, but he has also come near.

Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing 
to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, 
even death on a cross. Philippians 2:5b-8

God came near.  

And when he died on the cross, the veil was torn from top to bottom.  The way was opened for me, and for you, to enter into his presence, to know him. And in his presence is relationship, all fullness of joy.  Do you know him? 

Knowing God is a lifelong journey.  My toe is barely dipped in the infinite ocean of all that it means to know God.  What I do know that in his presence is joy, fullness of life, peace, acceptance, forgiveness, hope...  

Do you know him?

Perhaps you are like me.  Perhaps he's been calling your name, but you've thought that your efforts at being the "good girl" were sufficient. Now you're finding that your efforts are not so effective. You're getting a bit desperate and feel at the end of your rope, the edge of a cliff.  

Do you want to know him?  If the answer is "Yes!" please email me at  Not only will I answer you by email, but if possible, I'd love to connect with you in person, hear your story, and talk with you about Jesus.  If meeting in person is not possible, we can talk by phone. 

This Friday, I will be serving alongside my Knowing God Jesus Girlfriends at Iron Sharpens Iron where Carol Godwin will be speaking on "Surviving Life's Fiery Trials" and then leading us in a workshop, "How to Walk With Someone Through Their Fiery Trial."  I am so excited!    

Iron Sharpens Iron is a monthly luncheon in Cary, NC.  I'd love to see you there!  For more information  and how to register, just click right here.  



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