Let "5 Love Languages" Help You Plan Valentine's Day

Gary Chapman's book has probably helped our marriage more than any other.

It helped me ...
  • understand myself better by learning the way that I give and receive love, and
  • understand Bill better by learning to recognized his expressions of love.
It also helped me understand family members, co-workers, ministry partners too.  From what I learned in 5 Love Languages, I can often pick up in casual conversation how the people around me give and receive love.  If I'm clued in to the signals people are sending, then I can choose how to show appreciation in a way that they can hear.  
Last year I experimented with using the "5 Love Languages" to help us celebrate Valentine's Day.  I had so much fun planning it, and Bill and I ended up with a great night, and a great memory.  I knew I had planned an evening that communicated love to him.  And that made me happy.
So, I'm going to do it again.  Want to join me?
  • If 5 Love Languages is gathering dust on your shelf, pull it out and skim back through it.  
  • Consider the people in your life who are closest to you.  If you're married with children, these are your probably the only ones you can really focus on.  But, if you're not married, think about your roommates, your close friends, your co-workers, your mom.  How do they give and receive love?
  • Plan something for Valentine's Day that hits each of the five love languages.  
  1. Quality Time
  2. Acts of Service
  3. Physical Touch and Closeness
  4. Gift Giving
  5. Words of Encouragement
As you come up with great ideas, post them here or on my Facebook page.  I'd love to see us help each other plan a Valentine's Day that makes our loved ones feel so very loved.  

Do you know him?


Banana Boats and a "New Normal"