How are you doing as you anticipate Thanksgiving Week?

Are you excited about the week? Dreading it?

We're doing something a bit different this year.  We're heading to the beach with just our family.

Dear friends very graciously offered us a week at their beach house, and we're taking them up on it.   We're heading out on Sunday after church and we will be there the whole week.  Here's what I'm excited about:

  • Reading a book, or two, or three.
  • Looking out at the ocean.
  • Snuggling up on the couch.
  • Playing board games
  • Walking on the beach.
  • Cooking favorite Thanksgiving recipes with the kids.
  • Reading Cranberry Thanksgiving and making Cranberry Orange Bread
  • Loving up on my college girls.
  • Relaxing with Bill. 

I'm also looking forward to long stretches of time to read the Bible, and think, and journal, and read some more, and pray, and journal some more.

Last year I wrote Thanksgiving: A Goal and A Plan.  If you're still trying to figure out what Thanksgiving will look like for you and yours this year, I'd encourage you to take a look.  This strategy of coming up with our Thanksgiving plan helped me to focus on traditions that are meaningful and enjoyable for all of us.  It helped me leave off things that are stress-inducing and more trouble than they're worth.  Then take a look at Thanksgiving:  What Worked.  What Didn't for my analysis of last year's Thanksgiving.

One more thing I'm doing next week ... I'm going unplugged.  No technology.  So, I'll miss you, but I'm looking forward to the break.  :)

Before I go, I have one gift for you ... a recipe for Dry Roasted Pecans.  These are super easy to make and so incredibly yummy.  Make a batch and enjoy!

Dry Roasted Pecans

1 qt pecans
1 beaten egg white
1 t. paprika
1 t. salt
1 t. sugar
1 t. milk
1 t. water

Bake at 300 degrees for 30 minutes.  Stir every 10 mins.  After 30 minutes pull them out and let them cool.  As they cool, they'll get crunchy, and absolutely delicious.  
So, how are you feeling about Thanksgiving?  Excited?  Nervous? Are your plans nailed down?  If you make the pecans, let me know what you think.  And, if you've got a dish that has to be on your table or it's just not Thanksgiving, would you share?  


Does your family have favorite books for Advent?


Am I enough?