Bean Dip Anyone?

On this day after the election, whether "your man" won or lost, it might be time to pass a little bean dip.  

Here's how it works ...
When someone asks you a question, particularly in a public place or in front of your children, that crosses your boundaries and you'd really rather not go there, smile and ask, "Bean dip anyone?"  
I learned this technique from Joanne on the Well-Trained Mind Forum.  Although she applied it to those sticky questions young moms get about things like breastfeeding, your child sleeping through the night, and other practices people feel compelled to weigh in on, the strategy works for plenty of situations, including post-election chit-chat.  It goes something like this ...
If asked, "So, are you really upset about the election last night?"  
Answer:  "You know, I'm so glad to live in a country where I have the freedom to vote.  Want some bean dip?"

"Yeah, but I mean now we've got endure this for four more years."  
Answer:  "We DO have four years until the next presidential election.  You're right!  Bean dip?" 

"I just don't know if I can take another four years."
Answer:  "I'm sorryou feel that way.  Are you sure I can't pass you some bean dip?"

The beauty of this is that you are not pretending, you're just refusing to go to snarkiness, disrespect, or despair.  You're taking the high road.  

But, if you're going to protect your boundaries boffering bean dip, you should have some bean dip, right?  So, here's our favorite, super-easy bean dip recipe.  We alternate this with Perfect Hummus and pack it in lunch boxes as well as pass it around to protect boundaries.  

Black Bean Dip

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
4 teaspoons tomato paste
3 Tablespoons water
2 cloves of minced garlic
1 lime1/2 teaspoon ground cumin1/2 teaspoon salt to taste~ 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper to taste

So, I zest the lime and squeeze about 2 teaspoons into my blender.  Then I toss all the other ingredients in and give it a whirl.  That's it.  Super-easy.  

And now when your boundaries get crossed you're ready get them firmly in placed by asking, "Bean dip anyone?"

So, how are you handling post-election discussion?  Other ideas for establishing boundaries and keeping snarkiness at bay?


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