What Could We Do?

If you could solve one worldwide problem, what would it be?  Would you shelter the homeless? Would you welcome the refugees? Would you end slavery?  What would you do?I would bring hope to children, to the world’s most vulnerable children.DSC_0001Today is a day for giving. For solving problems by giving. What would it be like if every day were a day for giving? What if every single day you and I chose to release earthly treasure and invest in something that lasts?What could we do? Children around the world are being abandoned, abused, exploited, orphaned, trafficked. They are living on the streets.  They are forced to carry guns and do unspeakable things.Boys PlayingToday is a day for giving. Could we make it a month of giving? A year of giving? What could happen if instead of a day of giving, we launched a year of giving?  A year of generosity in which we bring hope to children. What could happen?

And now I need to get a little personal, a little awkward. And I'm feeling kind of uncomfortable.I serve with a ministry called RiverCross. RiverCross is helping orphans and vulnerable children around the world in an unprecedented way. There are more than 153 million orphans around the world. Most have been sexually abused, exploited, and/or trafficked.Most of their caregivers, as much as they love the children, simply don’t know how to help them. RiverCross is equipping these caregivers with trauma healing, best practices of orphan care, and biblical principles to build bridges of hope for the children. We are bringing hope to children, to vulnerable children.Girl Red ClayBut, I have to be honest. I have not done a great job of raising my support. I am currently only 18% funded.  And there is much work to be done.Next year we are going to Zambia and Uganda. We are translating our first project, Holding Esther, into three languages and contextualizing it for Cambodia and Thailand. We are establishing partnerships and building networks both in the U.S. and around the world. We are growing a team of champions who will pray, and give, and work with us to build bridges of hope for the children. photo 2Our founder is ready for me to move into the executive director position, but until my funding is at least at 50%, I will not be able to step into this role. And our work will be hindered.But there is great news. Through several generous partners, I have received a matching challenge grant.If you become a monthly partner during the month of December, your donation to my ministry with RiverCross will be doubled.  The impact you will have in the lives of orphans and vulnerable children will be doubled.Like I said, it feels awkward to talk about my funding. But, I’m doing it because I believe in what we’re doing.  What do you think? Do you think you could help me get to 50%?What if we made it a year of giving?  What could we do?To join my monthly support team, click on the picture of me with these precious children and it will take you directly to my support page. And, of course, your gift is tax deductible.Zambia Cindy

Together we can build bridges of hope for the world's most vulnerable children.

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