Do you have a truck?

Specifically a Nissan, Honda, or Toyota truck with under 100,000?  

Would you consider donating it or selling it for a very good price to Chedlin Justinvil?

Chedlin is the Director of the Yahve-Jire Children Foundation near Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  

Chedlin and his wife, Sophia, are dedicated for caring for at-risk children in their community.  They run a children's home where orphans are invited into their family life to be fed, sheltered, and educated.  In addition to the orphans Chedlin and Sophia have taken in, nearly 100 community children come to their school.  They have room for more, but do not yet have the finances to pay teachers, provide uniforms, and purchase supplies for these children.

Chedlin's ministry goes far beyond the perimeter of his community of Croix-des-Bouquets.  He relies on his truck to assess the needs of those beyond walking distance, meet with officials in Port-au-Prince, and connect with people who are interested in his work.  

Chedlin's truck died, and he needs a new oneYahve-Jire means "God provides."  I love that this is the name of this ministry, and now we get to partner with God in his provision.  This is one of the great honors of the Christian life!  We get to partner with God to see his Kingdom advance in the world.  

I met Chedlin last night.  Our church has gone to Haiti many times and is deeply connected with the work of Yahve-Jire.  Last night, at our church, Chedlin shared about the children.  They are beautiful and artistic, and through Chedlin and Sophia's work, they are being given a hope and a future.

Chedlin, Sophia, and their team have identified three categories of children who are at risk:

  • Children who live on the street

Some of these children have been orphaned, and some have been abandoned by their parents.  The children who have been abandoned are called "the forsaken children."

  • Children who are enslaved

These children have been taken in by families and individuals, but at a price.  They work for the barest provision, some as labor slaves, some as sex slaves.  

  • Children in poverty

These children live in extreme poverty in households that are unable to provide for their most basic needs.   

These are the children Chedlin and his team reach out to.  To care for these children, Chedlin needs a truck.  It's less expensive to purchase a truck here and ship it to Haiti than it would be to buy a truck in Haiti.  

Although a donated truck would be ideal because more money is then going to the kids, even a truck sold to Chedlin at cost would be great.  

Do you have a truck?  Do you know someone who does?  Or do you have connections with a dealership that could help Chedlin find a truck for a really good price?  Or do you have any other ideas of how we can get Chedlin a truck?  

Chedlin returns to Haiti on Monday.  Wouldn't it be great to get this taken care of for him so that he can get back to his wife and all the children who depend on him?  Wouldn't it be great to send him back knowing that a truck is on the way? 

Chedlin needs a truck.  

If you have a truck to donate or sell, or want to contribute financially, or have ideas of how to get Chedlin a truck, please email me at  Can't wait to see how God provides!


"Can I really ask God for anything?"


Martha Couldn't Handle It