Martha Couldn't Handle It

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.  She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” 

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”  (Luke 10:38-42) 

Most likelyou have heard this story so many times.  You've heard the application which urges you to have a "Mary heart" in a "Martha world."  I love this, and I need to hear it.  Life pulls at us and the work never ends.  We need to learn to stop doing so much and start lingering at the feet of Jesus.  

But, today as I read this story, the Lord lifted something new off the page for me. As I read and prayed, I wondered, "How did Martha get to this point?"

You know the point.  The point where she was so irritated she was ready to take Mary out and blame Jesus, without caring who saw her.  

I've been there, and I'm guessing you've been there too.
  • Too much to do and too little time. Then that child who makes one little request gets the full vent of your stress.

  • An interruption that keeps you from getting to what you really want to do.  And though you smile at the interruption, your family gets the brunt of it.

  • An unexpected dinner guest when you'd planned on "Buffet Night," as we call dinner when we pull everything out of the fridge and enjoy the bounty.  Suddenly leftovers don't seem to be enough, the stress is overwhelming, and you end up slamming pots.
Martha got to this point because she thought she could handle it

She saw Jesus and his disciples coming up the road, and she thought she could handle it.  Her adrenalin surged, and she began making her mental list.   She thought she knew what the situation demanded and she tackled it full steam.  She thought she could handle it, and she tackled it on her own.  But then the stress of too much, too fast overwhelmed her.  She blamed Jesus, embarrassed her sister, and missed the one thing.  All because  she thought she could handle it.  

But Martha couldn't handle it, and we can't either.   

What are you trying to handle in your life, in your own strength?  I'm guessing that if Martha had gone to Jesus with her problem.  If she had said, "Jesus, I love having you and your disciples here, but I'm struggling a little bit.  The house is a disaster and I'd planned leftovers tonight," he would have come alongside her. If she handed it over, he would have handled it.  And I'm guessing that she would have been able to join her sister lingering at the feet of Jesus.  

Instead of trying to handle it, hand it over.  Jesus will take care of you.  Easyoke, light burden ... He'll take care of you.    

How can I pray for you?  What's bothering you?  What feels like just too much?  What have you been trying to handle on your ownFeel free to leave a comment, or email me at  I'd love to come alongside you!  


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Living Out the Heart of Jesus