The Stuff That Jesus Offers

Last Friday I left Birmingham, AL with my friend, Ingram, to head down to Baldwin County to speak to an amazing bunch of women. That morning, I ironed my cute speaker outfit, hung it on a hanger, and put it in the kitchen by the back door so that I would BE SURE to take it with me.

Well, you know where this is going.  An hour down the road, stuck in traffic on 65S I turned to Ingram.  "I think I left my cute speaker outfit in your kitchen."  I totally violated AL law and climbed over the back seat just to verify what I already knew.  I had definitely left my cute speaker outfit hanging in Ingram's kitchen.  
Now, I had already been eyeing Ingram's super-cute top.  But, I promise, I did not leave my outfit at her house on purpose.  However, I didn't hesitate to borrow it from her on Saturday morning and tell the Baldwin County gals exactly what had happened.  They were very understanding and agreed that Ingram's top was super-cute.  
Now, here's what I read in my Bible this morning...

Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them credit cards and massive suitcases and told them to head out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.  "Take several super-cute outfits, your running shoes, an oversized suitcase, LOADS of roadtrip candy, several credit cards, and a Starbucks card.  You are going to need all this stuff."  

What version is that, right?  
That's not actually what I read, but it sure is the way I act sometimes!  What about you?
Here's what I really read ...

"Jesus called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.  And he said to them, "Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics."  Luke 9:1-3

What stuff did Jesus give the twelve?  Go back and read the passage again.  Did you get it? He gave them stuff that was much better than roadtrip candy and a cute speaker outfit.  There is often a difference between what we think we need if we're going to serve God, and what we really need.  
I'm wondering if you ever feel like you need stuff if you're going to serve God.  I'm wondering if you ever think you can't serve God unless you have stuff.  If you do, I've got good news for you.  God offers us stuff, and it's much better than a cute speaker outfit.   

Holy Spirit power!  Power that comes when Jesus fills us up.  Power that comes when we draw near to him and HE works through us.  Power that comes when we die to ourselves and invite Christ to live through us.  Power that we experience when we are abiding in Jesus and in his word.  This power can't be harnessed or bought, as Simon tried to do.  Power can only be received. 


Jesus gave them authoritative position.  The demonic world and the natural world was going to have to listen to these twelve very ordinary men.  They may have not felt very authoritative.  They weren't recognized in their community as the power-brokers.  They didn't have money, or fame, or ancestry to boast of.  And they surely didn't have a cute speaker outfit.  They were so very ordinary.  But Jesus gave them position.  Jesus gives you position too, whether you know it or not.  You are a daughter of the King of kings!  You are created in HIS image!  You are royalty, whether or not anyone else recognizes it.  In Jesus, you have position.   


Jesus told them exactly what to do -- preach about the kingdom of God, and heal people.  Now, Jesus had been all over the place teaching, preaching, and healing.  The disciples were going to get to do exactly what they had seen Jesus doing.  They were going to shine a picture of Jesus by preaching and by healing. They were going to image forth Christ in the world.  They had purpose.  You have purpose too, and it is identical to that of the disciples - to shine a picture of Jesus into the world.  In your family.  In your workplace. In your school.  You were created to shine a picture of Jesus, just like a star in this broken and bruised world.  You have purpose.  

What is the stuff you think you need?  If you have a heart to serve God, the stuff he offers is much better than a cute outfit, roadtrip candy, or a jam-packed suitcase.  He offers you power, position, and purpose.  Will you take him up on it?  I'd love to hear from you!  And Baldwin County gals, let me know what you thought of Ingram's super-cute top.  :)  Join the conversation by leaving a comment, or email me at  

Who does Jesus welcome?


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