Three Basic Goals for Household Management

Since Alice doesn't live here, 

I'm the one who gets the task of household management.  And, I think this is true even in families where the wife is working full-time.  The husbands may help out, and help out a lot.  But deciding how it gets done generally falls to the wife.

I have three basic goals.  Now these goals in NO WAY qualify us for photo shoot from Southern Living, but they do make it possible for us to function.  

Here they are:

Neat Public spaces

No stuff left lying around for more than 24 hours.  On weekends, the public spaces get dusted and vacuumed.  If stuff is left out, I become the "Mommy Snatcher" and corral it all in a laundry basket to be claimed later, sometimes for extra chores. 

Clothes for the week

Without a functioning laundry room, my dining room table is the folding and sorting spot.  The kids bring the clothes to the laundry room.  I don't mind washing and drying.  I don't even mind folding, when I have the time.  But I will not put it away.  If the clothes don't get moved to the bedrooms, I will deliver them, sometimes for extra chores.  

Food in the House

Nothing spells "grumpy family" like not having food for breakfast, stuff to pack for lunch, or a plan for dinner. While I have had seasons of detailed menu planning, most of the time I'm a pantry cook.  I know what we like to eat and I try to keep items in the pantry and freezer that we can pull together for a quick meal.  One of our favorites is Chipotle-style Rice Bowl.   There are nights when planning may mean planning to run through Chick-Fil-A.  

Household management is definitely not my favorite thing to do.  And, I'm really not very good at it.  But, having these three basic goals helps me to know where to focus my attention so that I can get on with the things I do love to do.  

So, how does household management happen in your household? What are your goals?  How often do you meet them?  Do your kids and husband help out?   Any tricks you'd like to pass on?  I'd love to hear from you!   Leave a comment or email me at


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