More than information,

I want transformation.

And I'm guessing you do too.

Before our family left on vacation, I shared the question that has been driving my quiet times.

What does it mean for me, as a woman, to become like Jesus?

Jesus was a man.  He lived a long, long time ago.  He was single and didn't have children.  He didn't have carpools, and lunches to pack, and bickering children.  But he did have...

In these Jesus stories, I'm learning more deeply how to follow him, how to walk with him.  I'm getting more than information; I'm getting transformation.

I'm convinced that as we fix our eyes on Jesus, really rivet our gaze to his face, watch what he does, talk to him about it, ask the hard questions, and then try to live out his life in our world, we'll get more than information.  We'll get transformation.

If you'd like to join me, here's my reading plan.  Feel free to copy it, share it, tape it in the back of your Bible.  I've adapted it from this plan.  But, please, please, please, use FIX to guide your Bible reading, not dictate it.  For more about that, read this post. 

Luke 1
Matt 8:1-13
John 7
Mark 12
John 1:1-14
Luke 7
John 8
Matt 23
Matt 1
Matt 11
John 9
Luke 20
Luke 2:1-38
Matt 12:22-50
John 10:1-21
Luke 21
Matt 2
Luke 11
Luke 10
Mark 13
Luke 2:39-52
Matt 13
Luke 11
Matt 24
Matt 3
Matt 8:14-34
John 10:22-42
Matt 25
Mark 1
Mark 4
Luke 12
Matt 26
Luke 3
Mark 5
Luke 13
Mark 14
Matt 4
Matt 9
Luke 14
Luke 22
Luke 4
Matt 10
Luke 15
John 13
Luke 5
Matt 14
Luke 16:1-18
John 14
John 1:15-51
Mark 6
Luke 16:19-17:10
John 15
John 2
Luke 9:1-17
John 11
John 16
John 3
John 6
Luke 17:11-18:14
John 17
John 4
Matt 15
Matt 19
Matt 27
Mark 2
Mark 7
Mark 10
Mark 15
John 5
Matt 16
Matt 20
Luke 23
Matt 12:1-21
Mark 8
Matt 21
John 18
Mark 3
Luke 9:18-27
Luke 18:15-43
John 19
Luke 6
Matt 17
Luke 19
Matt 28
Matt 5
Mark 9
Mark 11
Mark 16
Matt 6
Luke 9:28-62
John 12
Luke 24
Matt 7
Matt 18
Matt 22
John 20-21
I love hearing from you!  I'm finding that many more women feel comfortable emailing me than commenting publicly.  I love to hear your stories, get your questions, and come alongside you.  Do feel free to comment, but also feel free to email me at  

I don't want to run.

