
This week our family is at the beach.  For years we have set out our umbrella on this little corner of the Crystal Coast for a little bit of rest and relaxation.   This year Bill and I decided to make it a bit more restful and leave the technology at home.  Unplugged.  
I didn't get everything done that I wanted to get done.  I didn't get the post up on Friday that I promised.      The kitchen floors didn't get scrubbed and there are still cobwebs in the sunroom.  But, I did get mountains of laundry done.  And I made a trip to the library to load up on books and audiobooks.  Priorities, right?  
We're going minimalist this year.  More than DO anything, I just want to BE with my husband, my children, my parents, and a few other folks who are down at the beach this week too.  
I'm taking my Bible, my journal, and look forward to listening to Jesus in this very beautiful locale.  I'm looking forward to being unplugged.  
Do me a favor.  Leave me a comment and let me know how you get rest and relaxation.  Do you need to get away?  Do you need to unplug?  I'll read your comments and post on Monday, August 20th ... before we hit the ground running again.

More than information,


What does it mean for me, as a woman, to follow Jesus?