Camp, Camp, and More Camp (Part 2)

This morning, our boys woke up in a cabin at  Summer's Best Two Weeks, however, for them, it's not SB2W, but SB8D, Summer's Best Eight Days.  I'm already missing them, as is Katya who is longing for a buddy to explore the creek.

But while they're gone, the females of the family + Bill, the CMG, will be planning for COUSIN CAMP!  Ann, who was one of the amazing women who showed me Jesus at Camp Seafarer and then became my roommate my last year in college, is now known by my kids as AUNT ANN.  That's right, Ann and Bill are brother and sister, and she is still one of my dear friends.  :)  So, we have four of her fabulous kids coming for a week of Cousin Camp! Sally, Matt, Anna, and Molly ... we are EXCITED!

As the summer progresses, you'll hear about  Compass, VBS, the Annie Moses Band Fine Arts Summer Academy, summer school, P31 She Speaks, wrapped up with our yearly trip to the beach ...

Our Ultimate Swagger Wagon will put on some mileage this summer, and although the calendar looks full, our prayer is that these activities will be used by the Lord to grow our kiddoes in various skill areas, place them in situations where they'll have to exercise dependence on the Lord, extend their understanding of the gospel, and ultimately give them deeper passion and greater vision for what the Lord is doing in their hearts and in the world.

What's your family doing this summer?  How are you hoping the Lord will use your plans to advance His kingdom in you and through you?


"Not this"


Camp, Camp, and More Camp (Part 1)