The Ultimate Makeover!

I was leading a workshop not too long ago and I opened by asking the ladies, "Why are you here?"

The workshop was "Overcoming the Barriers Keeping You from Your Extraordinary Life."  A few women shared their desire for more joy and to gain a sense of purpose in their lives.  And then one woman raise her hand and said,

"Well, you're speaking at our retreat in a few months and I just wanted to check you out."  

How great is that!  Still makes me smile!

So, I'd love to invite you to join me, and maybe even check me out, at a one-day retreat in just a few weeks.

We all want to be beautiful, right?  We buy the creams, get our hair done, and look for just the right shade of make-up.  While none of this is wrong, real beauty, lasting beauty comes through inside-out transformation.

In three sessions we're going to go after the Ultimate Makeover.  In three sessions,

  • Identity in Christ
  • Intimacy with Christ 
  • Impact through Christ

you will hear my story, reflect on your own, see what the Bible has to say, and join the journey toward "inside out transformation."

And the worship with Kelly Manley is going to be phenomenal.


1503 Walnut Street
Cary, NC 27511

Time:  9:00 - 4:00 

Cost:  $25 and includes lunch catered by Panera. 

Invite a girlfriend and COME ON! To register, CLICK and sign up.  And leave a comment here to let me know you're coming.  If you're already registered, let me know that too.

Oh, and one more thing.  If you think that this retreat is one your friends would enjoy, would you share it on FB or Twitter?

Whether your intrigued by the topic, excited about the worship, want to hang with your girlfriends, or just want to check me out  ... it's going to be a great day!


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